
Homeowners: If you are planning on taking tree limbs to the pile behind number 5 green, please don’t. There have been complaints from homeowners living on Riverside Drive.

  • Monday
    • No water available (Maintenance day for golf course)
  • Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
    • Tam O’shanter, Westchester, Cypress, homes by hole 17 on Spyglass, Pinehurst Ct., Prestwick Pl., St. Andrews Pl., Torey Pines Ct., Homeowners within Village Dr./Spyglass
  • Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
    • Riverside, Country Club Dr., Windsong, Inverness Ct., Augusta Dr., Valley Green Cr., Home By # 7 on Spyglass

Home Owner Water Users,

The Riverton Country Club Board of Directors has a made a decision, with the recommendation of several homeowners, that we change the delivery days of homeowner water. This change in procedure is considered only a test to see if can better serve our customers with better pressure and more volume of water. The Country Club will deliver water to homeowners every other day, excluding Mondays, to help improve properties with volume and water pressure issues. The new test of water delivery will begin on August 23, 2011. All homeowners will need to adjust all irrigation clocks accordingly.

Please only have your clocks set to run on your scheduled days and off on the days that you don’t receive water.

Leaving clocks on during times that water is not available cause’s pressure problems when water is turned back on the following day.

When clocks are running with no water available creates a problem in draining the system.  Then when water is delivered the next day we are filling empty lines, which results in pressure and volume loss. The system never has a chance to get fully pressurized.  Your cooperation will ensure that every homeowner will have consistent pressure. Once again this is a test, to see if we can deliver better pressure.

If there are any questions on which schedule you are grouped in please call the Maintenance shop at 856-0231.


(307) 856-0231

Board Minutes Country Club Villages Homeowners Association


(307) 856-4779
